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Caroline Fry, Mentor, Entrepreneur, Healer


 I am a native of Ireland and currently living in Co. Wexford with my husband and 3 children.   Ever since I was a child, I always had this inner voice, this intuition guiding me.  As I journeyed through adult hood this voice was getting pushed deeper and deeper down, I got stuck in the day to day living never stopping to question was this how I thought my life would turn out???


I got my first job in the corporate world as an admin assistant, and this is where my thirst for education started.  I wanted to know more so I started doing courses a night. Got my degree in marketing, did sales courses, computer courses always wanting to know more – not fully realising that all I was doing was feeding a shame I had felt.  You see I never went to college straight after school and I managed to let a thought sink in that now I was in the corporate world I did not feel educated enough and did not really belong there. 


This was when my self-awareness and personal development journey started.  I did a Tony Robbins course over 15 years ago and I realised at this course that this limiting belief of not feeling educated enough was really starting to hold me back. This is also when I really started to get in touch with my spiritual side and re-opened my healing gifts. I did crystal courses, angelic energy healing, reiki all helping me to re-connect with my soul.


During my corporate career I have gone from admin assistant to COO of a successful professional services company.  The last 20 years have been challenging to say the least, I relocated from Dublin to Wexford, got married and had 3 wonderful children all while running a family business with my husband.  We faced 2 recessions head on, grew teams, lost teams, had difficult conversations with team members, suppliers you name it we did it.  We learned harsh lessons from the recession we encountered in 2011 and to be honest if it were not for our determination and vision, I don’t think the company would have survived.  This vision and experience helped us tackle the recent COVID-19 pandemic head on.  We had learned the lessons from the last recession and were now stronger and ready to innovate to keep the business forefront of the profession. Thankfully our business was not badly impacted by the pandemic. It impacted us another way though - it forcred us to stop and gave us the opportunity to assess is this what life is all about???  My life looked great from the outside  but on the inside I knew I was not where I wanted to be and I needed to surrender. I needed to get back in the driver seat of my life.  It was time for me to leave the family business. 


I don’t know was it COVID forcing us all to stop, turning 40 or my daughter turning 10 but it hit me like a ton of bricks.  I needed to stop and listen to this inner voice.  I knew I was not on the path I needed to be on.  I had to dig even deeper, face those limiting beliefs, tackle that intergenerational shame I have inherited and get me back on the right path.


That was the toughest journey I have faced to date, it impacted my marriage, my family and the business. Thankfully, I am out the other side and I have a new found confidence in me, and know now I am on the right path for me to live my true potential.


There is a great saying "Nothing Grows without Shit" I can honeslty say having gone through all forms of shitty experiences I can now connect with my real and true purpose.


I have gained serious experience and lessons from my journey and the most important one was investing in me personally. The second biggest lesson I have learned is you get there quicker with the right support around you.  If I had not made the decision to invest in me I would not be where I am today. 


I am here today proud and excited to look in the mirror knowing who I am and know that my passion is helping people, helping people achieve their true potential. I know that I could not have done this without the support network I have built around me. I know first-hand this journey is hard, but it is also so worthwhile.  I also know you can take this journey on your own, but you can get there much quicker with the right support.


I truly do hope that the lessons and experiences I have learned might help speed up your journey for living the life you always desired.

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