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Business Coaching FAQ

What exactly is a Business Coach. 


A business coach is an expert entrepreneur or executive who knows how to start and grow a successful business and will train and mentor you on how to grow your business.


For example, you have been running your own business now for a couple of years, but you are seeing little growth or no growth year on year.  You can work with a business coach to teach you what to do and how to grow and upscale your business.


Who Can Benefit from Business Coaching?


There are some strange myths out in the world about coaching.  It can be perceived that only bigger businesses facing serious problems can benefit from the guidance of a coach. However, every business owner can improve the way they manage their company and increase their effectiveness. A good coach introduces a fresh perspective into the goals, values, and processes that help you grow and improve your business.


Why You need a Business Coach?


Let’s face it, running and growing a business is tough.  It is only natural that you are going to make some mistakes along the way.  Working with a business coach can help you to shortcut your path to success.

The right coach will focus on your strengths, your unique ability, and home in on your skills.  They will also deliver a few business truths you might not want to hear and guide your company to financial success.


Benefits of Business Coaching


Fulfils Visions & Goals – what are your visions and goals???  This is not about making the million-dollar sale or living the so-called dream.  This is about being realistic, looking at where you are right now and setting realistic goals.  With the help and support of a business coach you can set about achieving these goals.  Together we can create a plan that will set you up to achieve these goals.    You can also discuss what other goals you want in your life, working hours, time to travel and family time. So, it’s not just about revenue, coaching can help you achieve the lifestyle that works for you.


A Roadmap to Follow – investing in a business coach is not the same as asking your family and friends for help.  While your family and friends mean well, unless they have run a successful and profitable business, they don’t understand what you are actually going through.

Business coaching will provide you with a clear plan that you can follow and implement to grow your business.


Boosts Confidence – as a business owner, you have probably gone through a lot in both your personal and business life.  Sometimes your confidence can take a real knock and set you back.  It’s important not to let these setbacks get the best of you.  Business coaching offers you the space to look at these setbacks.  You will get the support, techniques, encouragement, and space to figure things out yourself.  After a while you will learn to trust yourself and tackle challenges with a newfound confidence.


Holds You Accountable – Accountability is vital to the success of your business.  the objective of your business coach is to get you from where you are right now in your business to where you want to be.  Once you invest in a coach you will want to get a return on your investment.  You will be wasting your money if you’re not implementing the growth strategies your coach advises. So not only will a good coach challenge you to think broader, try new ideas, and take risks, but they’ll also hold you accountable.




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