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Moving You Forward


Have you ever sat down, and thought is this how I thought my life would be?

Do you feel your dreams and aspirations you had as a child got sucked up and lost as you got older?

Do you just have this feeling there is more in you, but you do not know what that more is?

Acknowledging these feelings is hard.  Taking action is even harder. If your ready to make big, exciting changes in your life and these changes are not happeing on our own, I highly recommend you get some help.

I hear you 

I had those thoughts too……..

I have been there; I too was stuck. Stuck in my limiting beliefs, stuck behind beliefs and shames that I inherited, unaware that these beliefs were actually holding me back. My journey was challenging, running a successful family business with my husband, raising 3 kids. I was trying to do it all, business partner, wife, mother, daughter. All the while running myself into the ground and losing sight of who Caroline Fry really was.

But then something changed......I changed

I had to look inward to move forward

I Started Carving Out Some Me Time

Little by little I began prioritizing myself and the ripple effect this had on me, my family, my relationship and my career was phenomenal

When you start to put yourself first and care about yourself, you will begin to sleep better, you will feel better within yourself, you will be happier, you will snap less, you will sepnd more time living rather then feeling guilty about what you should or should not be doing .  

“Happiness, not in another place but this place, not for another hour but this hour”

Walt Whitman

Want to Know What I Did......

I stopped and got off the merry go round.  I got  a really good support network.  I had to re-assess where I was in my life – I  stopped drifting and started living a better and more fulfilling way.

Do you want to stop and take control of your journey and start living the life you always dreamed of ?

This Is How I Will Help You Move Forward:

  • 1-1 On-line Calls where I will coach you through boosting your confidence and self-beliefs and help you find what is holding you back right now.

  • Mastering Your Mindset - teaching you the tools and techniques to keep you in the right frame of mind.

  • Allowing you to STOP and re-asses where you are and where you want to be.

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you change the ending"

- C.S. Lewis

How I work

With over 20 years of experience in both the corporate and healing world, I use a unique blend of these skills to help you discover your true potential and help you create a life you love.

A six months commitment working 1-1. 


In our fortnightly calls, I will coach and mentor you through finding your "Why", explore your limiting beliefs and discover what is stopping you from having the life you love.


You will receive meditations, materials and techniques all to help keep you in a positive mindset.


If you want to find out more about how I can help you book your first call today so we can see if we are the right fit to start your journey.


Here is a road map of what our time together will look like

1-1 Online calls

Every fortnight we will meet online where I will walk you through a series of different processes designed to help you with things such as figuring out "Your Why", boosting your confidence and self -belief, figuring out what is holding you back right now.
I will help keep you accountable and keep you moving towardsyour end goal.

masterinG your mindset

For you to make the progress and changes you desire you need to be in the rightframe of mind. How we approach our lives is all about mindset and how we set our mind really comes down to if we have had a good experience or bad experience.
We will work on techniques designed at keeping you in the right frame of mind which will ultimately help you achieve your end goal.

Positve re-enforcer

Every month we will track your achievements and we will record all of your wins.
This will not only help keep you moving forward with a positive focus but  will also help you track the progress you are making.

meditations& Reading list

It is so important to keep your mindset strong and to stay focused on what you want to achieve.
It is very easy to sink back into old habits, limiting beliefs etc.
I will be sending you links to motivational mediations and books that you do in your own time.
They will be chosen to keep you moving forward.

One-Time Payment


Save €300 with a one time payment offer

  • 6 Month Coaching Programme

  • Fortnightly Online Coaching Session

  • Mastering Your Mindset Techniques

  • Monthly Meditations, Tools & Techniques

  • Email Support Inbetween Calls

Misty Valley
Your Investment

Payment Plan


  • 6 Month Coaching Programme

  • Fortnightly Online Coaching Session

  • Mastering Your Mindset Techniques

  • Monthly Meditations, Tools & Techniques

  • Email Support Inbetween Calls

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